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Setup Scene For IPS

Step 2

Create a new GameManager, to do this go to 'Windows/IPS/Manager'. This should create a GameManager In the inspector 


Step 3

Lets create a human part...  Select the Newly created GameManager,  You should see a tool box in the scene view , on the tool box click on the 'Add Button', This should create a HumanNodeParent Object With a NodePath as child Object.


Step 4

Create a NavMesh... Go to GameObject/Ai/NavMesh Surf', This should create a NavMesh Surface Gameobject . next click on the bake button. this will bake your entire game map. 


Step 5

now we got navmesh agent ready, we will place a path of which the human will walk through. To create Path select the 'NodePath' , Now navigate the mouse to  the surface area in the scene you want the first node and click 'Key A' to add a node to the surface , repeat same method until you have successfully created a path for humans , next create an empty game Object Then give this a tagName "Player" , Note: Make Sure the player position is not too far from the nodes as this will affect the spawn point , as spawnpoint closer to player tends too activate themselves, while spawnpoints far from player will automatically disable themsleves. 


Thanks For Choosing IPS

Step 1

Create a new Unity3d Scene then Import Intelligent pedestrian system.


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