Nineth release
Added an on screen toolbox, which makes things easier to setup.
Added optimization options.
Updated script to deliver better performance
Removed redundant scripts.
Fixed human spawn system.
Eighth release
Reduced to occurrence of the getcompnent in code
Added little upgrade to spawn script
Increased performance
Animators that aren't rendering on camera gets disabled, increases performance...
Optimized the use of Physics.OverlapSphere....
Seventh release
Fixed null exception bugs,
Customized inspector view,
Upgraded the Spawn system,
Implemented pooling system.
More performance
Sixth release
Body must vanish only when player is not looking at it. Means once player move on from that place and not looking at it then it need to be vanish but not before that.(optional in case you need more performance).
Added option to spawn special hunan at position.
Updated Spawn system
Added a police controller script for cops peds
Fifth release
A gun system : this will enable pedestrians know when a bullet is fired around their environment , they run and freight , they die when hit with a bullet.
Fourth Release
Chat system: this would enable pedestrians form a Group chat of 2 , 3 or even 5 Humans discussing stories
Support for the in-built navigation mesh system
Third release
Pedestrians will run away from fast incoming objects
You can change triggered speed from game manager
Added 3 emotional animation to pedestrians while they wonder
New getup animation
More performance
Pedestrians uses a triggered collider for sensor
Pedestrians can die if they got hit on high speed
Second release
Spawn now randomized, it can also be tweaked from game manager.
Two new scripts components Added c# based.
Overall performance increased
Fixed bug with zebra Cross nodes
Added black Ethan prefab
Ragdoll support